South Shore Field Hockey League

Welcome to the PILOT SEASON of the SSFHL whos mission is to foster a supportive and competitive environment for field hockey enthusiasts on the South Shore, aiming to elevate the level of play.

Organized By: South Shore Field Hockey Club

Objective / Mission: To foster a supportive and competitive environment for field hockey enthusiasts on the South Shore, aiming to elevate the level of play.

Game Formats: Teams can opt for either full field, 11 v 11, or a smaller field, 7 v 7. The home team selects the format, but both teams must agree before the game. For 11 v 11, a minimum of 7 players per team is required; otherwise, it's considered a forfeit. For 7 v 7, a minimum of 5 players per team is necessary to avoid a forfeit. In cases where both teams decide to combine for the day, they can declare it a draw, but this must be decided before the game begins.

Rules: Standard field hockey rules apply with the following adjustments:
- 11 v 11: No corners; fouls inside the circle result in a free hit at the dashes.
- 7 v 7: No corners; field size should be approximately a quarter of a standard field with the circle between 10-12 meters. Fouls inside the circle result in a free hit at the dashes.

Umpires: Each team must provide one umpire who is not a coach. If a team cannot supply a referee, both teams must agree to allow the other team to provide two referees. We encourage the use of high school or youth players as umpires. It is vital to support the umpires, and disagreements on calls are strictly prohibited during the game. Coaching the referees on calls is also discouraged, except when both coaches agree that there is a safety concern. Suggestions to our young/volunteer officials should be given after the game.

Uniforms: Teams are free to choose their uniforms, provided they are consistent within the team, with the exception of the goalkeeper. If there is a discrepancy in uniforms, it must be agreed upon by both coaches and officials before the game proceeds. In case both teams have the same colors, the home team has the privilege to choose their color for the day.

Start of Game: Games should start punctually. Any changes in game time must be mutually agreed upon by both teams and the officials. The home team initiates the game with the starting passback and chooses their defending side.

Game Duration:
- U10 games: Two halves of 15 minutes each with a 5-minute halftime.
- U12 - U14 games: Four quarters of 10 minutes each with a 2-minute break between the 1st & 2nd quarters and the 3rd & 4th quarters, along with a 5-minute halftime between the 2nd & 3rd quarters. Any changes in game times require consensus among both coaches and officials.

Age Categories: U10 (10 years and under), U12 (12 years and under), U14 (14 years and under). Any deviations from these age groups must be mutually agreed upon by both coaches.

Athlete Eligibility: Athletes should be enrolled in their respective team's program unless otherwise agreed upon by both coaches.

Rain Outs: The home team has the authority to declare a game as a rainout, resulting in a draw.

Awards: There will be no formal awards, but programs have the option to provide prizes for their teams.

Equipment: Standard field hockey equipment rules apply. Regulation goals should be used unless both coaches agree otherwise. Balls should also be regulation size; however, we recommend using a USA Field Hockey Go Ball for U10 games played on grass Link: USAFH Go Ball.